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My kind of cocktails

Hi. It's been a while. This week marks my third week being on a new combination of meds. a.k.a cocktails. I've lost count on how many times I've been through meds changes. lol.

This time around...... I'm no longer on sleeping pills but sedatives. My sleeping problem got really worst that they decided to give me sedatives. Tbh, at first, I was overwhelmed by the word "sedatives". Because at the back of my head, sedatives = drugs that they give to psychotic prisoners (too much series, I know. lol). But, it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Miraculously, I finally get to feel how it feels like to have being able to sleep again. It's been a LOOOOOONGGGGGGGGGG time. Some may ask what's the purpose of having this sedatives... well...... it acts as both my mood stabilizer and my sleeping pills. As well as..... my psychosis (I'm harmless. I promise. If you've triggered me, bear it at your own risk. you gotta learn how to UNtrigger me)

All in all, i'm actually exhausted fighting my own battle. I am legit fighting with my own self but in the inside. I am a prisoner to my own mind. There were a lot of times I've lost to the battle such as, skipping my meds, self-harming, neglected my own hygiene, ghosted on people and the list goes on and on and on. 

But..... I was reminded that this was the battle that I was willing to fight for the ones I care. Without them, I won't be at where I am right now. There are times that the battle gets really hard but... to compare from how I was....... I am grateful. I sometimes wish that my loved ones can finally accept me for what I have based on the progress despite the ups and downs, but, I can't force someone to wrap around something that they're not ready to receive yet. Time kills me more than it should ( I can hear my best friend saying "take it slow").

Anywaaaaaaaaay, I'm drowsy as heck. I dont even know what I typed above. It is what it is. 

Till then,
Putang ina, time :(


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